
“We don't have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven't taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much”, Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"Liberals, it has been said, are generous with other peoples' money, except when it comes to questions of national survival when they prefer to be generous with other people's freedom and security." -- William F. Buckley Jr.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

There is some justice

Blago gets 14 years in the slammer!

Barney Frank Flees Congress!

Truly an excellent day!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

New DOJ Scandal


Saturday, July 2, 2011

I borrowed from a good friend:

What's wrong with folks these days...

A man walks into a coffee shop and after his purchase, the man says “Thank you” when handed the order. The clerk says, “No problem.” And then:

“Don’t you young people say ‘you’re welcome’ any more?”

“You want me to say, ‘You’re welcome?’’”


“You’re welcome.”

“Thank you!”

“No problem.”

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PPACA (Obamacare) is very unpopular. Cost bunches of money (read trillions). 2,500,000,000,000 by 2020. Oh and it's unconstitutional. But waivers are being issued like crazy (900 companies and counting). Congress thinks that by you not doing anything (purchasing health care) that you are in fact performing an activity that can be regulated under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

Unfortunately we have a superior court judge (Kagen) who lobbied for the PPACA. Maybe she will recuse herself? Maybe she'll get one those ethics waivers from the Whitehouse.